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Coronavirus - Pregnancy and Birth

You may be wondering what in the world should I do?! I am pregnant and am about to give birth during the Coronavirus pandemic. Do I have to have a C-Section if I have the Coronavirus? Can I breastfeed? What about my partner can they be there during labor?

Below are some of the main answers that you may be wondering I chose to highlight.

The World Health Organization
Recommendations :

If a pregnant woman is suspected of having or is diagnosed with COVID 19

  • She does NOT have to have a C-Section only when medically justifiable.

    • You should get the treatment that is best suited for your own health needs. There is not enough evidence that shows wether having a C-Section will prevent a baby from contracting the virus.

  • Women CAN breastfeed if she wants to however, use good respiratory hygiene.

    • As we are aware of breastfeeding is the best for our babies. Helps them thrive and provide all the nutrients that the baby needs. As of right now the virus has not been detected in breastmilk but much is still unknown. If you choose to breastfeed and suspect that you are infected or are confirmed just follow healthy habits.

      • Wash your hands prior to touching and breastfeeding baby and afterwards.

      • Disinfect surfaces you and them may touch.

      • Wear a mask if available to decrease chances of exposure.

  • You CAN hold your baby & stay in the room with them!

    • Yes, hold your baby it is encouraged. Immediately or the earlier the better. This helps with your baby thriving and with the production of your breastmilk supply.

If you want to read more of the WHO Recommendations for Pregnant Women Click Here

I’m hearing that some hospitals wont allow partners or doulas in what should I do?

I have read reports in regards to hospitals currently not allowing birthing women to have their partners, doulas, or other supportive person in with them during labor. Many women are facing having to birth alone on top of the added stress that can come with labor. My advise would be to check with your specific hospital to see how they are handling this situation. I strongly encourage you to speak up against this if you want the support and your support person(s) are in agreement with you. Information and things are moving real fast everyday at this time I have also seen updates that show that some hospitals are in fact allowing support person in due to WHO recommendations and other factors. So no matter the outcome plan! Plan in case things go as intended, plan if things don’t go as intended. Weigh all your options before committing and feel confident in yourself.

What should I do if I have the Coronavirus?

I would advise that you speak to your healthcare provider midwife or physician. Ask question’s in regards to

  • How they are handling potential clients who are exposed?

  • Is there a procedure set in place for confirmed cases?

  • Will you have to get tested before hand?

  • Will you have the mobility accessible to you?

  • Can your partner, doula, support person attend the birth?

  • Would you feel comfortable working with them still would you prefer for them to wear mask?

If you find discrepancy in answers I would advise to speak up, find common grounds to agree upon, get a second opinion if necessary, or find the team who will support your desires during these times.

Let Your Midwife, Doula or Healthcare team know.

If you suspect or are confirm, let them know ahead of time that way they can plan to take precautions for everyone. They also should be communicating with you if they believe they may have some susceptibility and plan for back-ups.

stay opened minded

I encourage you to stay opened minded and safe. You may not have the access or the support to have the dream birth experience as you may had hope. However, preparation aids in having a positive outlook, because you are able to still remain in control due to your awareness and knowledge. This Pandemic is new to everyone and our healthcare workers are trying to figure things out as they go - also taking orders from their bosses. Just as you are/maybe, your midwives and doulas! Most at this moment want the best outcome for themselves and everyone around them. Unfortunately that may seem like taking drastic measures but at times that may be what’s needed. This is an epic time but look at it this way it will serve as a very interesting perspective to tell your baby later on in life.

Please don’t be ashamed to speak in regards to anxieties, confusions, sadness or fear you may be experiencing during this time in regards to your pregnancy. It is okay to have these feelings and you deserve the support and reassurance that it will be okay.

As hard as it may seem mommas try to stay as stress free as you can. Practice your words of affirmations, breathing techniques and centering! You are capable of doing what you set to do.

I also offer Virtual Doula Services if you would like to connect just let me know!

If you have any stories you’d like to share with me or others please share!
Any useful information is always welcome as well!
Take Care!
